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StatSoft is now official partner of Alteryx

Alteryx platform products in the StatSoft portfolio

We are very plea­sed to announce that Stat­Soft (Europe) GmbH and Stat­Soft Pol­ska are now offi­cial Alte­ryx part­ners! This part­ner­ship brings many bene­fits for our com­pa­nies, but espe­ci­ally for our cus­to­mers. By adding Alte­ryx plat­form pro­ducts to our port­fo­lio, we can close gaps in our joint ser­vice and pro­duct offe­ring, so that we can now also offer solu­ti­ons for the ERP and finance sec­tors.

Now we can cover all aspects of data ana­ly­sis needs holi­sti­cally, inclu­ding the con­so­li­da­tion of mar­ket, cus­to­mer, finan­cial and ope­ra­tio­nal data and their value crea­tion.

We would like to take this oppor­tu­nity to thank Rai­ner Lau­dien, Steve Bridge and Rishi Kapoor for their part­ner­ship and for our mee­ting with the entire Stat­Soft team last week in Ham­burg. You guys know how to build and deve­lop a part­ner­ship. We look for­ward to working with you in the future!

Stay tuned for what’s to come.