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Start your career right here

For us it’s important

that you pay attention to meaningfulness and effectiveness in your work,

that you communicate, cooperate and respect your team, just as they recognize you.

Your contribution counts

We would like to empower and encou­rage you to help us get bet­ter and bet­ter in every way. Get invol­ved!

We stand for huma­ni­stic values and the­r­e­fore reserve the right to reject assign­ments that do not fit Data­he­arts’ values.

Work, life, balance

Seve­ral team mem­bers have fami­lies and depend­ents. Mobile and home office prac­ti­ces are part of our daily ope­ra­ti­ons.

We sup­port per­so­nal respon­si­bi­lity and pro­vide you with the neces­sary cul­ture and equip­ment.

The objectively most beautiful city in the world

We reco­gnize the oppor­tu­ni­ties and bene­fits of remote working, but also under­stand the importance of face-to-face inter­ac­tions.

We offer an attrac­tive, modern working envi­ron­ment in a super-urban loca­tion, com­ple­men­ted by a neigh­bor­hood atmo­sphere with ple­nty of night­life. To pro­mote team spi­rit, we orga­nize regu­lar mee­tings and get-tog­e­thers.

We are loca­ted in the lively Schan­zen­vier­tel dis­trict, but despite all the hustle and bustle around beta­haus, our offices are still very quiet.

Your ethnicity, your looks, your gender are your business alone.

Something completely different is important to us:

Your interest in the job and your compatibility with the Datahearts team.

Current vacancies

If your dream job is not lis­ted here, but you still think we should take a look at your skills and ambi­ti­ons, please send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­tion.

You are also wel­come to visit us for a casual cof­fee chat in the Schan­zen­vier­tel. We look for­ward to get­ting in touch with you!

If you are one of the more spon­ta­neous people you may fill out the form and cont­act us right here, right now. You can also sent us an email tog­e­ther with your rele­vant docu­ments to We will reply as soon as pos­si­ble.