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Datahearts’ approach

Datahearts rethinks data strategy.

We know the challenges of initiating, launching and executing data projects – often a tedious process.

Our mission is to make data projects fundamentally successful with a better approach.

Data Squads

We use a “data squad” (as we call a spe­cia­li­zed team of various pro­ject and data experts) to achieve the goals of your pro­ject com­pe­tently and skillfully.

The com­po­si­tion of your data squad is tail­o­red to the dimen­si­ons, com­ple­xity and scope of your pro­ject and gua­ran­tees ser­vice and sup­port of the hig­hest qua­lity throug­hout the entire pro­ject life­cy­cle.

Every job is uni­que. The­r­e­fore, a sin­gle solu­tion approach is not uni­ver­sally appli­ca­ble. Our team of spe­cia­lists is fami­liar with dif­fe­rent sce­na­rios and their typi­cal pro­blems. Our metho­do­logy fol­lows a struc­tu­red pro­cess:

You’re so special

Bey­ond the tech­ni­cal aspects, we take respon­si­bi­lity for moni­to­ring the com­plete trans­for­ma­tion and for change manage­ment in all areas of the orga­ni­sa­tion. Our holi­stic approach ensu­res the over­all suc­cess of the pro­ject.

The anatomy of a small project

1. Joint strategy day

one day

2. Reality check with internal and external experts

three days

3. Workshop to define recommended measures

one day

For Hal­lo­ween 2023, we made a dis­coun­ted offer to finally put an end to unu­sed creepy data. Wiebke Apitzsch, pre­de­ces­sor of Juliane Berek, made a video in which she briefly intro­du­ces the typi­cal ana­tomy of a small data pro­ject (in Ger­man).

The anatomy of a large-scale project

1. (Re-)activation

appro­xi­m­ately three weeks

2. Kick-off

appro­xi­m­ately three to five weeks

3. Execution

appro­xi­m­ately 16+ weeks

4. Handover to operations

Fade out

Want to know more?

Down­load the PDF of our com­pany pre­sen­ta­tion.