
Your chance with Datahearts

Digital Data Consultant (f/m/d)

We believe AI can make our cus­to­mers’ work lives bet­ter – if there is a clean data stra­tegy and a solid con­cept behind it. For this, we need your ana­ly­ti­cal exper­tise and your empa­thy. We also need you to enjoy working with people and data.

We design digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion pro­grams side by side with our cli­ents, orchest­ra­ting tech­no­logy pro­vi­ders, exter­nal experts and inter­nal teams. We ensure that speed and moti­va­tion remain high until the new solu­ti­ons can be trans­fer­red into ope­ra­tio­nal use. We are always ready to get our hands dirty and lend a hand as nee­ded. We form the bridge bet­ween manage­ment and the pro­ject team when things get dif­fi­cult. We make sure that both sides under­stand the wis­hes and con­cerns of the other and can the­r­e­fore work tog­e­ther opti­mally.

Of course, you never work alone, but have expe­ri­en­ced col­le­agues at your side. Since we are a small team, you are respon­si­ble for the tasks you take on right from the start. Whe­re­ver you need it, you will get sup­port, coa­ching, trai­ning or sim­ply time to dis­cuss the idea with the team.

As a Digi­tal Data Con­sul­tant you will be part of a fast gro­wing team of people who come from dif­fe­rent back­grounds, but all have in com­mon the joy of working with data. The more com­plex the pro­blem, ana­ly­ti­cally and stra­te­gi­cally, the more we enjoyed fin­ding a cus­to­mi­zed solu­tion that is as simple as pos­si­ble.

What your tasks will be

What you have to offer

These skills would also be helpful

What we bring to the table

If you are one of the more spon­ta­neous people you may fill out the form and cont­act us right here, right now. You can also sent us an email tog­e­ther with your rele­vant docu­ments to We will reply as soon as pos­si­ble.