
Enough with the creepy data!

From horror to data love in five days. With a shuddering 36 per cent discount.

For Hal­lo­ween, Wiebke Apitzsch, pre­de­de­s­sor of Juliane Berek. is making you an offer you can­not refuse (video in Ger­man).

Creepy: 76% of all data pro­jects fail. And usually only after they have bur­dened the orga­ni­sa­tion as the undead for years. There are ple­nty of reasons for this — a poor data­base, resis­tance from employees or a lack of exper­tise in tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion.
Let’s defeat the evil spi­rits tog­e­ther and get the true value out of your data!

Down­load the PDF of our print mai­ling (Ger­man) here