
We bring tech and busi­ness tog­e­ther
We are Data­he­arts – the data busi­ness people
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We help you achieve a hig­her level of decis­ion-making
We are Data­he­arts – the data busi­ness people
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We sport a new approach to data stra­tegy
We are Data­he­arts – the data busi­ness people
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We deli­ver cus­tom solu­ti­ons for any chall­enge
We are Data­he­arts – the data busi­ness people
Check us out

Datahearts bridges the gap in knowledge, ability, and resources within your company.

Datahearts helps your company become data-driven and even more successful.

By combining business strategy with data science, Datahearts enables your company to successfully launch data projects of all sizes.

Our mission? Optimising your data universe


Num­e­rous enter­pri­ses face chal­lenges rela­ted to


76% of all data pro­jects fail, attri­bu­ted to

Obviously: A new approach to data stra­tegy is over­due.

Data­he­arts is going to fos­ter suc­cess in data pro­jects – please read on to learn how we will achieve this.

Splendid bunch

A bespoke team of pro­ject and data experts will be attai­ning the objec­ti­ves of your pro­ject. We call this team a “Data Squad”.

Each Data­he­arts Data Squad is tail­o­red to the dimen­si­ons, com­ple­xity, and magni­tude of the pro­ject, gua­ran­te­e­ing the hig­hest qua­lity ser­vice and sup­port throug­hout the entire pro­ject life­cy­cle. Here’s a brief over­view of the various skills cha­rac­te­ri­zing our Data Squads:

defi­nes objects and goals

extra­cts insights from data and deve­lops models

builds and main­ta­ins the infra­struc­ture enab­ling data pro­jects

designs soft­ware for data coll­ec­tion, pro­ces­sing, ana­ly­sis

designs the data­base sto­ring and mana­ging pro­ject data

well, you know those two

Behold! A better working world

Can we eva­luate what a bet­ter working world looks like? Sure. For star­ters, your employees will have on average 32 % more time. But there’s more:

How do we achieve this fabu­lous new working world? We ana­lyse the initial situa­tion, for­mu­late a stra­tegy, imple­ment it and, of course, train your staff. Within appro­xi­m­ately five months you can:

free up a third of your employees’ time
freed up time 32%
mul­ti­ply the num­ber of com­ple­ted models per ana­lyst by 2.5
com­ple­ted models 100%
com­ple­ted models 100%
com­ple­ted models 49%
halve the time to create a model
time nee­ded for a model 44%

Who you gonna call?

Decide in favour of Data­he­arts’ sup­port for your pro­ject. Or talk to our people first to find out how we can give your com­pany a boost. The best place to start your new data pro­ject is right here.

What’s happened so far

Define “data project”

Data­he­arts car­ries out data pro­jects. Howe­ver, our expe­ri­ence is that many mana­gers are not enti­rely clear about what a data pro­ject con­sti­tu­tes. Here comes an expl­ana­tion:

A data pro­ject is an initia­tive to gather, assess, and then visually repre­sent data­sets – data­sets such as those deri­ved from pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­bu­tion or sales. It con­tex­tua­li­zes the data to create and offer new insights. These insights under­pin and poten­ti­ally improve com­pany decis­i­ons and enhance pro­ces­ses.

Because, as we believe, data is the heart­beat of every com­pany.

Juliane Berek
Juliane Berek
Head of Data Sci­ence Consulting